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PROPOSAL: Using Contextual Video to Improve Students' Listening Ability

A.    Background of Study
Listening is one of the four language skills which learners usually find the most difficult. But, listening is very important to learn. Without good listening skill usually people cannot speak fluently with others, they need listening skill to help their idea in understanding what someone says.
Based on questionnaire which was given on 19 November 2016  to students of SMAN 13 Banda Aceh in the second grade showed that many of them have difficulties to follow listening activity. They felt under pressure to understand every word. It means that the students have difficulty in catching the information from the speaker. As a result, the students have low motivation to learn listening. Therefore, the teachers have to find the way to motivate the students in order to make them interest in learning listening. So, the goal of teaching listening is hoped can be reached. One of the ways to motivate students’ interest in listening is by using media.
Based on types, media are categorized into three. The first is additive media that use sound only, such as radio and tape recorder. Second is visual media that use visual only, such as picture or photo. The last one is audio visual media that combine both additive and visual media, such as television, movie, etc. Among those types of media, audio visual media are more effective to use for listening because the students will use their two multy sensory, sound and sight at the same time when doing listening (Harmer, 2001). Moreover, audio visual media can attract students’ focus and concentration more than audio or visual media only. Besides, Hruby (2010) also said that visual media such as video may increase the students’ motivation and will make the students happy and fun when doing listening practice that may effect the students to be more participated in TL process when listening.
In addition, Ur (1984) said that one of several specialists that mention problems in the area of listening comprehension, identified the main potential problems as stated: the typical sounds of English words, the system of stress, intonation-rythm, different accents, and the ability to use environment clues to get the meaning of a phrase. Moreover, she suggested a key to the success in practicing listening should involve using visual and aural environmental cues which provided additional information about the listening situation, therefore, promoting the importance of the learners’ mastery of listening skills.
In this study, the writer would try the way to teach listening by using contextual video. Contextual video is video that depend on the context. The students would use their prediction about the word that the speaker said in the video when they are listening because the video is based on the context and based on what they are learning in the classroom. Here, the writer would try this method on teaching listening by using contextual video about  Procedure Text in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh. The writer would show the video to the students that related to procedure text, then the students would take note what they hear.  
Based on the reason above the writer is interested to raise a title ”Using contextual video to improve students’ listening ability”.

B.     Research Questions
Reseacher intends to conduct research by using contextual video as a teaching tool to answer to two main questions:
1.      Does contextual video improve the students’ listening ability in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh?
2.      What are the students’ responses toward the use of contextual video in listening practice in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh?

C.    The Aims of the study
1.      To find out whether the use of contextual video can improve students’ listening ability in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh.
2.      To find out the students’ responses toward contextual video usage in listening learning practice in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh.

D.    Hypothesis
An experiment is a way to prove certain hypothesis: whether there is a significant difference between students who are taught by applying contextual video and students who are taught by not applying contextual video. The hypothesis of this study can be stated as follows:
Ho : There is no significant difference in mastering listening between students who are taught
         by applying contextual video and students who are taught by not applying contextual
Ha : There is a significant difference in mastering listening between students who are
         taught by applying contextual video and students who are taught by not applying
         contextual video.

E.     Significance of the study
1.      Provide some information about the effectiveness of using video to improve students’ listening comprehension.
2.      Give a detail description about the difficulties in applying video for listening.
3.      Motivate students to learn English especially in Listening.

F.     Methodology
a.       Population and sample
Population is a complete set of individual or subject having some common observable characteristics (Arikunto, 1993:110). Whereas sample is a part of a number of population.
The population of this study is the second grade students of SMAN 13 Banda Aceh. There are 310 students that are devided into eight classes. Those are XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XI IPS 3, XI IPS 4. The sample is the students of class XI IPA 2 as the experiment class consisting of 28 students which is given the treatment by implementing contextual video and XI IPA 4 as the control class consisting of 28 students which is given no treatment. The writer choose these class because base on interviewed with the teacher, she said that the students in these class have some problems, especially in listening skill.
b.      Research Design
This study would use a quantitative method and applied a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent control group pre-test and post-test. According to McMillan and Schumacher (1989), quasi experimental design is a design that approximates the true experimental type with no random assignment of subject.
In this study involve two groups, they are experimental class and control class. Experimental class is the class which will give the treatment by implementing contextual video, whereas, control class is a class which will give no treatment.
Both groups will give pre-test and post-test to measure the effectiveness of the treatment that will give and the t-test formula will apply to determine whether there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups’ means on dependen variabel (Coolidge, 2000). The design is as follow:

O1 : Pre-test of experimental group
O2 : Post-test of experimental group
O3 : Pre-test of control group
O4 : Post-test of control group
X  : Treatment

c.       Data collection procedure
In this study the writer will need the data from the students. In getting and collecting the data the writer used some techniques. Those are: Test and Questionnaire.
1.      Test
The test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2003:3). In this study the writer will conduct some tests namely pre-test and post-test to measure students’ ability before and after teaching learning process. The first one is pre-test. The pre-test is done before teaching learning process. In the doing the test, the students have to fill the blank the word which is given by the writer in a piece of paper and the writer will play the video about how to make fried iced cream. The writer give them ten words that must to fill in the blank that taken from video, then every students have to fill it. In evaluating the result of test, the writer give ten points for each correct answer. The second one is post-test. The procedure of doing post-test is the same as the procedure in the pre-test.

2.      Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a document containing questions and other types of items designed to solicit information appropriate for analysis. In constructing the questionnaire, the writer will use closed questionnaire. It means that the respondents answer the questions by choosing one of answered given by the researcher. In this study, the writer will use questionnaire to get additional information about the students’ perception toward the learning activities by applying contextual video.

G.    Data Analysis
            In this study, the writer would use quantitative analysis. Borg (1989: 383) states that the quantitative analysis is used to analyze data for the first research question. The data analysis will be conducted by organizing the data gained through pre-test and post-test guide. The results of the students’ performance in the pre-test will compared with the results of their post-test to find out whether the use of contextual video can improve students’ listening ability.
            To answer the second research question, the writer used questionnaire. The result of questionnaires to find out the students’ responses toward contextual video usage in listening learning practice.
            The data will be analyzed statistically by using the program of statistical computer software, Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Some steps of statistically procedure will used in order to examine the comparison of the scores from both groups.
            In order to prove the hypothesis, the scores of data from experimental and control group will be calculated and compared through statistically procedure of t-test. If t-obtained is bigger than t-critical value at level 0.05, it means the contextual video is effective.
P =  x 100%
            Next, the data from the questionnaire was analyzed using the percentage procedure, as follow:
P is the percentage, f is the frequency of how many the answer will be chosen, n is the number of students and 100 is the constant value. The formula will used to find out whether the students feel strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree toward the statements stated in the questionnaire.

H.    Terminology
In this study, the writer needs to explain some terms in order to make the reader do not get misunderstanding. The terms are:
1.      Contextual video
Contextual video is a video that has particular theme which is suitable for the learning material and also has particular place, situation and vocabularies that can help the students in understanding the meaning of every sentence in the procedure text on video. Video itself means an electronic storange of moving image, such as film, video tape, VCD and DVD.
In this study, the use of contextual video is a video about precudure text that taken from about how to make fried ice cream that has a context and suitable with learning material for senior high school students, especially for second grade students in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh
2.      Improve
The word ‘improve’ means make a significant improvement or something better (Oxford learners pocket dictionary).
      In this study, the word improve is to make the students’ listening ability increase or improve significantly by using contextual video in teaching procedure text about how to make fried ice cream in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh.
3.      Listening ability
Listening ability is an ability or skill of paying attention to and trying to get meaning from something we here (Underwood, 1989).
In this study, it emphasizes students listening and overall comprehension of the procedure text in the video, then students fill in the blank in a piece of paper which was gave by the writer.

Arikunto, Suharmisi. (1993). Prosedur Penelitian. Yogyakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
Borg, Walter R, and Gall, Meredith D. (1989). Educational Research. 5th edition, New York         and London: Longman
Brown, D. (2003). Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practice. New York:    Longman
Coolidge, Federick L. (2000). Statistic: a Gentle Introduction. London: SAGE Publications           Ltd.
Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Cambridge: Longman
Hruby, Jan. (2010). Teaching aids - The Use of Video in English Langage Teaching.          (Bachelore Tesis; Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta Filozofika)
McMillan, J. H. & Schumacher S. (1989). Research in Design.
Underwood, M. (1989). Teaching Listening. London: Longman
Ur, Penny. (1984). Teaching Listening Comprehension. The Edinburg building; Cambridge           University Press: New York

 A.    Background of Study
Listening is one of the four language skills which learners usually find the most difficult. But, listening is very important to learn. Without good listening skill usually people cannot speak fluently with others, they need listening skill to help their idea in understanding what someone says.
Based on questionnaire which was given on 19 November 2016  to students of SMAN 13 Banda Aceh in the second grade showed that many of them have difficulties to follow listening activity. They felt under pressure to understand every word. It means that the students have difficulty in catching the information from the speaker. As a result, the students have low motivation to learn listening. Therefore, the teachers have to find the way to motivate the students in order to make them interest in learning listening. So, the goal of teaching listening is hoped can be reached. One of the ways to motivate students’ interest in listening is by using media.
Based on types, media are categorized into three. The first is additive media that use sound only, such as radio and tape recorder. Second is visual media that use visual only, such as picture or photo. The last one is audio visual media that combine both additive and visual media, such as television, movie, etc. Among those types of media, audio visual media are more effective to use for listening because the students will use their two multy sensory, sound and sight at the same time when doing listening (Harmer, 2001). Moreover, audio visual media can attract students’ focus and concentration more than audio or visual media only. Besides, Hruby (2010) also said that visual media such as video may increase the students’ motivation and will make the students happy and fun when doing listening practice that may effect the students to be more participated in TL process when listening.
In addition, Ur (1984) said that one of several specialists that mention problems in the area of listening comprehension, identified the main potential problems as stated: the typical sounds of English words, the system of stress, intonation-rythm, different accents, and the ability to use environment clues to get the meaning of a phrase. Moreover, she suggested a key to the success in practicing listening should involve using visual and aural environmental cues which provided additional information about the listening situation, therefore, promoting the importance of the learners’ mastery of listening skills.
In this study, the writer would try the way to teach listening by using contextual video. Contextual video is video that depend on the context. The students would use their prediction about the word that the speaker said in the video when they are listening because the video is based on the context and based on what they are learning in the classroom. Here, the writer would try this method on teaching listening by using contextual video about  Procedure Text in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh. The writer would show the video to the students that related to procedure text, then the students would take note what they hear.  
Based on the reason above the writer is interested to raise a title ”Using contextual video to improve students’ listening ability”.

B.     Research Questions
Reseacher intends to conduct research by using contextual video as a teaching tool to answer to two main questions:
1.      Does contextual video improve the students’ listening ability in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh?
2.      What are the students’ responses toward the use of contextual video in listening practice in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh?

C.    The Aims of the study
1.      To find out whether the use of contextual video can improve students’ listening ability in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh.
2.      To find out the students’ responses toward contextual video usage in listening learning practice in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh.

D.    Hypothesis
An experiment is a way to prove certain hypothesis: whether there is a significant difference between students who are taught by applying contextual video and students who are taught by not applying contextual video. The hypothesis of this study can be stated as follows:
Ho : There is no significant difference in mastering listening between students who are taught
         by applying contextual video and students who are taught by not applying contextual
Ha : There is a significant difference in mastering listening between students who are
         taught by applying contextual video and students who are taught by not applying
         contextual video.

E.     Significance of the study
1.      Provide some information about the effectiveness of using video to improve students’ listening comprehension.
2.      Give a detail description about the difficulties in applying video for listening.
3.      Motivate students to learn English especially in Listening.

F.     Methodology
a.       Population and sample
Population is a complete set of individual or subject having some common observable characteristics (Arikunto, 1993:110). Whereas sample is a part of a number of population.
The population of this study is the second grade students of SMAN 13 Banda Aceh. There are 310 students that are devided into eight classes. Those are XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XI IPS 3, XI IPS 4. The sample is the students of class XI IPA 2 as the experiment class consisting of 28 students which is given the treatment by implementing contextual video and XI IPA 4 as the control class consisting of 28 students which is given no treatment. The writer choose these class because base on interviewed with the teacher, she said that the students in these class have some problems, especially in listening skill.
b.      Research Design
This study would use a quantitative method and applied a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent control group pre-test and post-test. According to McMillan and Schumacher (1989), quasi experimental design is a design that approximates the true experimental type with no random assignment of subject.
In this study involve two groups, they are experimental class and control class. Experimental class is the class which will give the treatment by implementing contextual video, whereas, control class is a class which will give no treatment.
Both groups will give pre-test and post-test to measure the effectiveness of the treatment that will give and the t-test formula will apply to determine whether there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups’ means on dependen variabel (Coolidge, 2000). The design is as follow:

O1 : Pre-test of experimental group
O2 : Post-test of experimental group
O3 : Pre-test of control group
O4 : Post-test of control group
X  : Treatment

c.       Data collection procedure
In this study the writer will need the data from the students. In getting and collecting the data the writer used some techniques. Those are: Test and Questionnaire.
1.      Test
The test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2003:3). In this study the writer will conduct some tests namely pre-test and post-test to measure students’ ability before and after teaching learning process. The first one is pre-test. The pre-test is done before teaching learning process. In the doing the test, the students have to fill the blank the word which is given by the writer in a piece of paper and the writer will play the video about how to make fried iced cream. The writer give them ten words that must to fill in the blank that taken from video, then every students have to fill it. In evaluating the result of test, the writer give ten points for each correct answer. The second one is post-test. The procedure of doing post-test is the same as the procedure in the pre-test.

2.      Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a document containing questions and other types of items designed to solicit information appropriate for analysis. In constructing the questionnaire, the writer will use closed questionnaire. It means that the respondents answer the questions by choosing one of answered given by the researcher. In this study, the writer will use questionnaire to get additional information about the students’ perception toward the learning activities by applying contextual video.

G.    Data Analysis
            In this study, the writer would use quantitative analysis. Borg (1989: 383) states that the quantitative analysis is used to analyze data for the first research question. The data analysis will be conducted by organizing the data gained through pre-test and post-test guide. The results of the students’ performance in the pre-test will compared with the results of their post-test to find out whether the use of contextual video can improve students’ listening ability.
            To answer the second research question, the writer used questionnaire. The result of questionnaires to find out the students’ responses toward contextual video usage in listening learning practice.
            The data will be analyzed statistically by using the program of statistical computer software, Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Some steps of statistically procedure will used in order to examine the comparison of the scores from both groups.
            In order to prove the hypothesis, the scores of data from experimental and control group will be calculated and compared through statistically procedure of t-test. If t-obtained is bigger than t-critical value at level 0.05, it means the contextual video is effective.
P =  x 100%
            Next, the data from the questionnaire was analyzed using the percentage procedure, as follow:
P is the percentage, f is the frequency of how many the answer will be chosen, n is the number of students and 100 is the constant value. The formula will used to find out whether the students feel strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree toward the statements stated in the questionnaire.

H.    Terminology
In this study, the writer needs to explain some terms in order to make the reader do not get misunderstanding. The terms are:
1.      Contextual video
Contextual video is a video that has particular theme which is suitable for the learning material and also has particular place, situation and vocabularies that can help the students in understanding the meaning of every sentence in the procedure text on video. Video itself means an electronic storange of moving image, such as film, video tape, VCD and DVD.
In this study, the use of contextual video is a video about precudure text that taken from about how to make fried ice cream that has a context and suitable with learning material for senior high school students, especially for second grade students in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh
2.      Improve
The word ‘improve’ means make a significant improvement or something better (Oxford learners pocket dictionary).
      In this study, the word improve is to make the students’ listening ability increase or improve significantly by using contextual video in teaching procedure text about how to make fried ice cream in SMAN 13 Banda Aceh.
3.      Listening ability
Listening ability is an ability or skill of paying attention to and trying to get meaning from something we here (Underwood, 1989).
In this study, it emphasizes students listening and overall comprehension of the procedure text in the video, then students fill in the blank in a piece of paper which was gave by the writer.

Arikunto, Suharmisi. (1993). Prosedur Penelitian. Yogyakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
Borg, Walter R, and Gall, Meredith D. (1989). Educational Research. 5th edition, New York         and London: Longman
Brown, D. (2003). Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practice. New York:    Longman
Coolidge, Federick L. (2000). Statistic: a Gentle Introduction. London: SAGE Publications           Ltd.
Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Cambridge: Longman
Hruby, Jan. (2010). Teaching aids - The Use of Video in English Langage Teaching.          (Bachelore Tesis; Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta Filozofika)
McMillan, J. H. & Schumacher S. (1989). Research in Design.
Underwood, M. (1989). Teaching Listening. London: Longman
Ur, Penny. (1984). Teaching Listening Comprehension. The Edinburg building; Cambridge           University Press: New York


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