Eid al-Fitr is the day of victory for Muslims after fasting for one month in Ramadhan. In this year, 2017 or 1438 H, Eid al-Fitr falls on Sunday, 25 June. Muslims want to celebrate this victory with happy feeling and very grateful for God has given a chance and a long life that had fasted for one month in the month of Ramadhan this year and could enjoy the Eid al-Fitr. On that day, the Muslims mutually forgive each other and visit the neighbor’s house and his/her relatives.To welcome the arrival of Eid al-Fitr, Muslims do the things that are unusual they do on the ordinary days. For example, making a variety of cakes to be served to guest who will visit to his/her house, including making ‘Timphan’ which is the special food from our region, Aceh, then, cleaning the house as clean as possible because there will be many people who will visit his/her house. It would be his/her neighbors, his/her friends, and the relatives who came from afar. The relatives who live far from their family will go back to his homwtown . Children and adults also usually buy new clothes to wear on this holy day. These activities are usually prepared one week before the Eid al-Fitr.A thing that makes the children happy in the feast day is giving money from their relatives and also
from the host they visit. Although the content is not much but they feel very happy because it has
become a tradition in our area.On Eid al-Fitr is also provided food and drinks to be served to the guests, such as Ketupat, Lontong,
and so on. The materials for making these food prepared a day before the that day. Before going to the
Mosque to perform Eid prayer, drinks are also prepared, such as making coffee for male guests and
stored in a thermos to keep it hot, making syrup and put in the refrigerator because some guests like
the cold drinks, and so on. Drinks are prepared before going to the Mosque in order when returning
from the Mosque if there are guests who visit, the host does not not bother to make it again.How enthusiastic the Muslims to welcome this holy day. They glorify the guests who visit his/her
house, even doing things that are unusual to do it on the typical day.

A. Background of Study Listening is one of the four language skills which learners usually find the most difficult. But, listening is very important to learn. Without good listening skill usually people cannot speak fluently with others, they need listening skill to help their idea in understanding what someone says. Based on questionnaire which was given on 19 November 2016 to students of SMAN 13 Banda Aceh in the second grade showed that many of them have difficulties to follow listening activity. They felt under pressure to understand every word. It means that the students have difficulty in catching the information from the speaker. As a result, the students have low motivation to learn listening. Therefore, the teachers have to find the way to motivate the students in order to make them interest in learning listening. So, the goal of teaching listening is hoped can be reached. One of the ways to motivate students’ interest in listening is by using medi...
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