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Flip Chart Media

Flip Chart Media
1.      Definition of Flip Chart
              Chart is a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram (Oxford Dictionary). Charts are images or graphs that expand the development of ideas, objects, institutions or people in terms of time and space. Chart is used to present a large amount of information, through many data charts at once can be presented gradually, the chart can show a number of activities in a certain period according to the time set. Meanwhile, according to Nana Sudjana chart is a combination of graphics media with photo images designed to logically and regularly visualize facts or limitations.

Chart is a visual media which function is to present visually to the ideas (concepts) those are complicated when only delivered in writing or verbal. Chart is  effective for presenting messages in the form of summaries of key points of a presentation. Its existence can be accompanied by pictures or writing (Mustaji : 1996)

              While the flip chart presents any information. If the sequence of information to be presented is difficult to show in a sheet, so the flip chart can be used.

              Parts of the message are written/poured in separate sheets, then the sheets are bundled together. Its use is flipped one by one according to the chart of the message to be presented (Sadiman : 2006). The messages which delivered using this flip chart usually form a visual summary of a process, development or important relationships.

              According to Arif Sadiman, et al (1986), suggests that the chart is a good medium if: 
can be understood by the student, simple and uncomplicated or complicated tasks, and
replaced at certain times in order to remain in addition (up to date) also do not lose attraction
(Asnawir : 2002)
1.      Characteristics Flip Chart
            The use of media in learning is very important because it can facilitate students
 in receiving materials, but in using the media we must know these characteristics before
 it is selected and used in a learning for the expected goal can be achieved.
            Each media has its own advantages and disadvantages each with the flip chart media.
1. The Advantages of Flip Chart Media
Ø  Save time in teaching and learning process (no need to draw or write again on the 
board, just put a picture or writing that has been prepared),
Ø  Can be used repeatedly,
Ø  The cost is not too expensive and relatively cheap,
Ø  All teachers can make it,
Ø  Can overcome the space and time (having a small size, large size, enlarge the small 
size, accelerate the long time and so on),
Ø  Can clarify the problem,
Ø  Served gradually to allow time to understand the content.

2. Disadvantages of Flip Chart
Ø  To create a good chart is required long time for preparation or manufacture,
Ø  Need a good care because paper is easily damaged, 
Ø  Need enough space for storage,
Ø  Less able to draw elements of motion,
Ø  Need drawing skills/design 

2.      Preparation Steps
To make the Flip Chart media, we have to have some preparations, such as:
Ø  Define the main idea,
Ø  Set goals,
Ø  Define topic/title,
Ø  Plan the right image to visualize the idea (Mustaji : 1996),
Ø  Hole the paper charts to make it easy to make one or in volumes,
Ø  Make two wooden frames lifted together with the map paper by two bolts,
Ø  Maps with wooden or iron frames together with wooden or iron binders and also 
with a bolt fastener. This map can be hung on a white board that is not attached to the 
Ø  The placement of the map can also be hung on a three feet stand,
Ø  Another way to bind and prop up a map is use a plywood / hardboard.
3.      The Requirements for Making Flip Chart Media
Need to pay attention to some design principles, according to Nana Sudjana (2001: 20), 
they are:
Ø  Simplicity. In layout, it should be clear that the difference between the foreground and
 the background and the key elements are highlighted, so the students' attention is centered
 on the core idea/core of the lesson.
Ø  Integration. There is a close relationship between the various visual elements so that 
the whole function is integrated.
Ø  Emphasis. Focus on a single element that requires attention and interest of students.
Ø  Balance. Placement or layout of the image or writing evenly on the chart.
Ø  Line. In visual messages serves to connect the various elements together and directs
 the observer in learning the visual elements in specific sequences.
Ø  Shape. Should be considered in designing instructional media, an unusual form can pay 
special attention to the visual media.
Ø  Space. It is an important visual element in designing instructional media.
Ø  Texture. It is a visual element that allows the appearance of a rough or smooth appearance 
of a surface.
Ø  Color. Choose colors that seem harmonious. Avoid using the colors yellow, pink, or orange. 
These are extremely difficult the students to see. Avoid using too many colors. Using one dark 
color and one accent color works best.


Arif S. Sadiman, R. Rahardjo. Anung Haryono. (2006).  Media Pendidikan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo. hal 37

Asnawir, M. Basyiruddin Usman. (2002). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Ciputat Press. hal 34,pdf

Mustaji. (1996). Media Pendidikan dan Latihan. Surabaya: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Universitas Press. hal 43

Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (Fourth edition). Edited by : Victoria Bull. Oxford University Press.
Sudjana, Nana, Rivai, A. (2002). Media Pengajaran. Bandung: CV Sinar Baru. Hal 27


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